Your order may have been cancelled for a number of reasons related to stock availability, payment or delivery address. The most common reason for cancellation is that we ran out of stock of your size before processing your order.
If your order (or part of your order) is cancelled, the relevant amount of money will of course be refunded to your bank account. Refunds are completed within 14 days, but please be aware that your local bank may take a few extra days to process the payment.
Yes, for a short time after placing your order it is possible to cancel through the order tracker or your account.
After your order is processed the cancellation option will no longer be available. In this case you can return for free upon receiving your order.
Standard products or products without special requirement can be cancelled. Customised mi “copitoo” products can currently not be cancelled after your order is submitted.
In case the payment has been processed before your cancellation, you will receive a refund following the regular refund process.
Please note; it may take up to 14 days for your payment provider to process the refund. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact your bank or credit card company directly for further details.
Unfortunately it is not possible to reactivate redeemed vouchers. Contact our Customer Service for more information.
Unfortunately, we don’t exchange products, but you can always refuse delivery or return unwanted items for a refund, and then place a new order.
Refunds are subject to the conditions of our Return Policy, and are not available for personalised and customised items.
No, unfortunately our customer service advisors are unable to accept phone orders.
A back-order is when you have placed an order for an item that is currently out of stock and you have requested it to be delivered once it comes back onto the website in your required size.
When the item comes back into stock, you will receive an email confirming when your item(s) have been shipped from our warehouse. Orders can only be placed using PAYPAL, please note the amount owed (to copitoo) will be reserved from your account on the day of purchase.
You will be only charged once the order has left the warehouse and you have received an email with your tracking information enclosed.
Please note back-orders are not available all the time and is a special service that will only apply for certain products.